Mount And Blade Warband Xerina

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  2. Mount And Blade Warband Mods
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Join the community's Discord! Follow me on Twitch: Mods Showcased: - Floris Evolved - The Last Days - Sil. For the heroes featured in Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword, see Heroes (With Fire & Sword). For the heroes featured in Viking Conquest, see Heroes (Viking Conquest). For the heroes featured in Bannerlord, see Companions (Bannerlord). Heroes or companions are unique troops with individual names, stories, skills, attributes, and equipment (all of which can be chosen by you). Like the player.

Table of Contents

  • Character creation

Mount And Blade Warband Xerina Napoleonic

  • Weapons
Each companion dislikes the companions on either side of them (Example: Borcha dislikes Deshavi and Klethi). If you wish to maximize your number of companions, you can choose 2-3 from the top circle and 4-5 from the bottom circle that are not touching. The two-way arrows indicates companions that like each other, which can help balance dislikes, increasing the effective limit.

In Mount&Blade you are not the only hero. When exploring the taverns of Calradia you will come across some named people who are willing to join your cause, for a price of course. Their locations are random and will change from time to time, so check taverns regularly until you find all of them. You can also pay a Traveler to tell you the location of any companion (30 denars per name).

Just like your character, companions heal between battles on a percentage basis and can never be killed or taken prisoner, although some mods alter this.

At low levels, companions are very weak; most of the time if you don't completely obliterate the enemy you'll end up realizing that your companions have been knocked out. However, since companions can level just like the player character they can end up much more powerful than even the highest-level troops. Outside battle they contribute their skills to the party as a whole (see the party page).

Likes and dislikes[edit]

Mount And Blade Warband Mods

Each Companion has individual likes and dislikes. Each likes one other Companion and dislikes two others, and these feelings are mutual. Over time, their dislike will probably make one decide to leave. If you follow the story a Companion tells you during your first meeting you will get an idea of what Companions and actions they will like or dislike.


Each Companion tends toward a specialization. Certain skills will contribute to the party as a whole; others are personal or leader only (useless in a Companion, but when made vassal becomes useful). When a Companion's health falls to 33% or below the name will be shown in red text and any of their skills that were aiding the party will not work until they heal above 33%. Those with healing abilities should be kept at the bottom of the party list to ensure that they see less battle and therefore are less likely to be wounded too badly to heal others.

Looting is the only party skill whose base attribute is Agility (Klethi is the member best suited for looting as her Agility can be raised the quickest).

Mount And Blade Warband Xerina

Trade is the only party skill whose base attribute is Charisma (if you want to have a large party, then Charisma is necessary, so you should specialize in trade yourself).

All other party skills are Intelligence-based. It is possible to maintain extremely high intelligence party skills with only two companions by only raising their intelligence attributes and putting most of their available skill points into party skills (e.g. teach Ymira First Aid, Wound Treatment, and Surgery, teach Borcha Spotting, Tracking, and Path-Finding and give each of them either Engineering or Tactics. Every three levels will give the companions six skill points to upgrade four party skills with two left-over to upgrade personal skill. It goes without saying that those two members will be poor soldiers and should be well-protected at the bottom of the party list. They will also gain the bulk of their experience through training and quest completion.


One of the biggest advantages Companions have over standard troops is that they can gain levels and develop their skills in the same way as your own character. You can even customize their gear, outfitting them with exactly what you want them to use.

To customize a Companion's abilities when they level up, open the party screen () and talk to the hero you want to upgrade, then choose 'Tell me about yourself', and you will see that Companion's character window. To customize their equipment do the same but choose 'Let me see your equipment', and you will see the inventory. Just as with your own character, Companions can only use equipment if they meet its minimum requirements.

Raiding party[edit]

Pillaging villages is a very lucrative business. Sadly some companions object to this practice, forcing you to either pillage in moderation or build a party without the heroes Bunduk, Firentis, Jeremus, Ymira and Marnid.

This table helps picking a pillage-happy party with not too much bickering. To use this table, select the champions you want and make sure everyone got a neutral or positive rating. Meaning you can not have Klethi and Artimenner, without balancing it out by having Lezalit and Deshavi too. All the companions who are not pillage-happy, or dislike it, have been removed from this table.

Hero combinations and their effect on happiness


If you make your own kingdom you can also give your companions fiefs to make them vassals. This can be a blessing early in the game because you have allies to help you fight large armies. However, if you plan to make allies you have to be careful about who you give fiefs to. Giving fiefs to companions who are not noble may anger other lords (-2 to -5 penalty). Once lords, the faction of the troop they recruit depends on their own faction.

The nobles are circled in red.
BorchaNoKhergit (tells his homeplace is a Khergit village (Dashbigha) when you pass it.)
DeshaviNoNord (tells her homeplace is a Nord village (Fearichen) when you pass it)
KatrinNoSwadia (tells her homeplace is Praven when asked about right to rule.)
KlethiNoVaegir (tells her homeplace is a vaegir village when you pass it.)
LezalitYesGeroian (says he is the youngest son of the count of Geroia, outside of Calradia)
MarnidNo? (recruits Nord soldiers when elevated to lordship)
NizarNo? (recruits Sarranids when elevated to lordship)

Searching for lost companions[edit]

If your companions left over a dispute or if you were defeated in battle you can randomly find them in a city tavern. The best way is to find a Traveller in a tavern and ask him where to find your companion. Then head quickly into that city, because your companion can move in the meantime.

ModsMount and blade warband mods

See also[edit]

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Mount and Blade-

The Warband of Wolves

By Indogma

Inspired by the Mount and Blade Series, primarily the Mount and Blade: Warband.

-Prologue to a Wolf-

Part Three

Roland lied on his bed with his arms behind his head—he was bored. It's been about three months since he stumbled into Calradia, and there was no word on Francis. Over the past three months staying with Henderson in Suno, he had learned more then the four years of college.

Nox, despite his rough nature, has proven to be a very capable teacher. In the three months there he learned the formalities of the land, the geography of it, most of the history, and any other important info that Nox and Henderson had. In the other spare time, Henderson had enrolled him with the squires and pages of his court.

Within the first couple of weeks of doing so he had been known as a 'clumsy fool,' never winning any fights or delivering messages in the correct format. But after the second week he started to improve dramatically. By the end of the third month, not one squire could lay their sword on him, he could ride a horse with ease, and he read messages so that even the most trivial reports sounded intriguing.

But now he had learned all he need to about Calradia, and now needed something to do. Being a page had worked out fine, until he was bored of reading the reports normally and he started reading them of in funny voices. Henderson loved it but he was forced to remove Roland after a relative of a merchant complained enough and threaten to do business elsewhere. And the squires would no longer fight with Roland, and none of the knights wanted to take him on as a squire. So now he had nothing to do.

On the other hand both Nox and Henderson had enough to keep themselves from being bored. Nox has many self-motivated projects other then his piano. Before Roland arrived in Suno, Nox has made the closest thing Roland knew to be a modern toilet. And Henderson has a city as well as a few villages to keep. He has to listen to complaints from villagers, manage guards with patrols. Both of them had enough on their plates to keep themselves busy. Roland however had nothing.


Leaning up on his bed he began to moan quietly, 'bored, bored, bored…' Getting off the bed he began to pace aimlessly, trying to think of a way to relieve his boredom. Sighing deeply after not coming up with a solution, he reflected on the things that he did in his time there as to what kept him busy.

Then he remembered as a squire Henderson had sent him as apart of a merchant convoy. It was a fun and exciting job—a group of bandits had attacked the convoy, leaving Roland and a few squires to defend themselves. According to the caravan master Roland was the only squire who 'did not soil himself' when the bandit's attacked. While it should have been a compliment, the other squires used it another excuse to blacklist him.

But now the thought of mercenary work crossed his mind. Then Nox sent a servant to ask Roland to assist him in rebuilding the piano. While helping Roland then put it out there that he thought of becoming a mercenary. Nox just looked at him and laughed. Roland then told him that he was not considering it any further, but in is mind the thought took root until one week later…when he was in is room again trying to pass the time.

He had enough. Now he was going to do something. Getting up of his bed then put on a leather vest that Henderson had given him, and prepared to leave Suno. When he had gotten to the gate of the castle, he saw Henderson and a few guards waiting for him. It was really no surprise, Henderson always knew what Roland was plotting. 'Going somewhere?' Henderson asked with a smile on his face.

'Does it matter?'

'Look Roland, be patient. Francis will be back soon.'

'Henderson…' Roland started, picking his words carefully in front of the guards, 'It's not about waiting for Francis. I want to see Calradia. I mean how often do we get a chance to see a place in time like this?' Looking to see if he had raised suspicion Roland saw the guard look ignorantly on. 'So I want to see it while I can.'

Henderson nodded, 'Yeah, it is an interesting place. Look I am not going to stop you, but aren't you afraid of the dangers?'

'Are they really so bad as our words?' Roland countered, 'Can we be shot from a mile away? Or get it by a car? There are less threatening dangers here in back on Earth! So I take them on any day.'

'So you've made up you mind?' Roland nodded in agreement.

'Before you go,' Henderson then waved for a stable boy to bring a horse saddled and full of supplies. 'This is to be sure you don't get yourself killed.' Roland examined the horse and it's saddlebags. He found a rusty chain mail suit, a short sword and a small crossbow with some bolts, food for a couple days travel, and a parchment with a map of Calradia scripted on it.

'You don't have to do this,' Roland protested but Henderson just shrugged, 'No, but I want to.'

Getting on the horse, he kicked the horse to a walk, and stopped just before the gate for the castle. Turning around on his horse, he looked back at Henderson, 'See ya around!'

'Don't be a stranger, Roland come back soon!' Roland then turned and began to ride into town.

Back inside the castle, Henderson watched as Roland's figure disappeared into the streets. 'He's gone eh?' said Nox coming out of the castle.

'Yeah,' replied Henderson.

'I give him a week,' said Nox coolly, 'Then he'll be running back to us.'

'I don't know Nox,' replied Henderson, 'He may surprise us.' Nox just shook his head and went into the castle. Henderson took a quick glance out into the city. Then returned to his duties as a Count of Swadia.

As Roland passed the cities gates he felt the excitement begin to boil in his veins. He was on his own, and in a new world that he wanted to learn about. He was free to do as he pleased unlike in the city. Then began Roland's journey of a lifetime.

End of the Prologue.