How To Uninstall Pushbullet

  1. Download Pushbullet For Windows 10
  2. How To Install Push Bullet
  3. Pushbullet Download Pc Version

Pushbullet's API enables developers to build on the Pushbullet infrastructure. Our goal is to provide a full API that enables anything to tap into the Pushbullet network.

Pushbullet for Chrome, Firefox, Android, and Windows sends notifications from all your devices, allowing you to send messages (Facebook, WhatsApp), files, chat, text messages, and more in your browser. Send text messages Typing on a keyboard is so much faster than typing on the phone. Quickly send and receive texts on your computer. To update and/or uninstall plugins you must stop Jellyfin, navigate to the local plugins folder and delete the.dll files for the plugins you want to update and/or uninstall. The plugins folder is located in different locations depending on your install:%UserProfile% AppData Local jellyfin plugins for direct installs.

This is important to us because we believe everything, not just smartphones and computers, should be able to exchange information in real time. Here are some of the things you can build with Pushbullet:

  • Have a website and want to offer push notifications? We've built everything you need.
  • Want to build a Pushbullet client for a platform we don't officially support yet? Everything you need is here.
  • Working on a home automation system? Pushbullet can get everything chatting.
  • Working with sensors and want to send messages to another device? Pushbullet is just what you need.
  • Manage IT/servers and want to get updates and alerts no matter where you are or what device you're using? Pushbullet makes it easy.

Check out this ProgrammableWeb article for a longer introduction to Pushbullet and this API.


  • HTTP API - Send/receive pushes using the Pushbullet server.

  • Android Extensions - Extensions enable your app to work better with Pushbullet.

  • iPhone - Interact with the iPhone app from your app or webpage.

  • Changelog - Recent changes to the API.


If you have any questions, feedback or requests, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Getting Started

The HTTP API lets you send/receive pushes and do everything else the official Pushbullet clients can do. To access the HTTP API you'll need an access token so the server knows who you are. You can get one from your Account Settings page.

Once you have that access token, you can use it to access your Pushbullet account over the Pushbullet API:


All of our examples use the curl command line tool already available on most systems. If you don't have it installed you can download it on the curl website.

Talking to the API

All POST requests should be over HTTPS and use a JSON body with the Content-Type header set to 'application/json'.


This API is organized around REST and uses HTTP Basic Auth for authentication.

To authenticate for the API, use your access token as the username in the HTTP Basic Auth header, along with an empty password. Your access token can be found on the Account Settings page. Keep in mind that this key has full access to your account, so don't go posting it all over the internets.

If you are making an app that uses the Pushbullet API on behalf of another user (for instance, to send push notifications as that user), use OAuth to get an access token for that user.

From an App


From a Browser

We allow CORS requests, so you can make a request from any browser:



Responses are always JSON. Keys are either present with a non-null value, or entirely absent from the response. Deleted objects will only have the keys 'iden', 'active', 'created', and 'modified'.


HTTP Status Code Meanings

  • 200 OK - Everything worked as expected.
  • 400 Bad Request - Usually this results from missing a required parameter.
  • 401 Unauthorized - No valid access token provided.
  • 403 Forbidden - The access token is not valid for that request.
  • 404 Not Found - The requested item doesn't exist.
  • 5XX Server Error - Something went wrong on Pushbullet's side.


Error responses (any non-200 error code) contain information on the kind of error that happened. The response JSON will have an error property with the following fields:

  • type - A machine-readable code to refer to this type of error. Either invalid_request for client side errors or server for server side errors.
  • message - A (mostly) human-readable error message.
  • param - (OPTIONAL) Appears sometimes during an invalid_request error to say which parameter in the request caused the error.
  • cat - Some sort of ASCII cat to offset the pain of receiving an error message.


Objects (such as pushes, devices, and contacts) can be created, modified, listed and deleted.


When listing objects, if you receive a cursor in the response, it means the results are on multiple pages. To request the next page of results, use this cursor as the parameter cursor in a further request. Any time you list a collection of objects, they may be multiple pages (objects are always returned with the most recent ones first). You can specify a limit parameter on any calls that return a list of objects to get a smaller number of objects on each page. The default (maximum) limit is 500, including deleted objects.

Syncing Changes

All calls to list objects accept a modified_after property (a timestamp). Any objects modified since that time will be returned, most recently modified first. The modified_after parameter should be the most recent modified value from an object returned by the server (don't trust the local machine's timestamp as it usually is not the same value as the server).

Deleted Objects

When you query with a modified_after timestamp to sync changed objects to a device, you need to know if an object was deleted so you can remove it locally. Deleted objects will have active=false and all properties except for iden, created, modified, and active will be missing from the returned object. Deleted objects show up when listing objects.

Resizing Images

Some objects have an image_url property that can be resized for faster downloading on the client. Here's a list of common domains and how to resize the image to be a 200 pixel square: add ?sz=<pixels> to the end of the url add ?width=<pixels>&height=<pixels> to the end of the url add ?w=<pixels>&h=<pixels>&fit=crop to the end of the url


  • /v2/pushes - Push to a device/user or list existing pushes.
  • /v2/devices - List or create devices that can be pushed to.
  • /v2/contacts - List your Pushbullet contacts.
  • /v2/subscriptions - Channels that the user has subscribed to.
  • /v2/users/me - Get information about the current user.


  • wss:// - Subscribe to the realtime event stream.
  • /v2/ephemerals - Send arbitrary messages to the realtime event stream.


  • /v2/upload-request - Upload new files for pushing.


  • /oauth2 - Get access to other people's Pushbullet accounts with their permission.

Push to a device

Target Parameters

Each push has a target, if you don't specify a target, we will broadcast it to all of the user's devices. Only one target may be specified.

  • device_iden - Send the push to a specific device. Appears as target_device_iden on the push. You can find this using the /v2/devices call.
  • email - Send the push to this email address. If that email address is associated with a Pushbullet user, we will send it directly to that user, otherwise we will fallback to sending an email to the email address (this will also happen if a user exists but has no devices registered).
  • channel_tag - Send the push to all subscribers to your channel that has this tag.
  • client_iden - Send the push to all users who have granted access to your OAuth client that has this iden.

Parameters for different types of pushes

  • Note
    • type - Set to note
    • title - The note's title.
    • body - The note's message.
  • Link
    • type - Set to link
    • title - The link's title.
    • body - A message associated with the link.
    • url - The url to open.
  • Address
    • type - Set to address
    • name - The place's name.
    • address - The place's address or a map search query.
  • Checklist
    • type - Set to list
    • title - The list's title.
    • items - The list items, a list of strings e.g. ['one', 'two', 'three'].
  • File
    • type - Set to file
    • file_name - The name of the file.
    • file_type - The MIME type of the file.
    • file_url - The url for the file. See pushing files for how to get a file_url
    • body - A message to go with the file.

Optional Parameters

  • source_device_iden - The iden of the device sending the push. This is useful when you need to send a push back to the sending device.

Push a file

Pushing files is a two-part process: first the file needs to be uploaded, then a push needs to be sent for that file.

To upload a new file, use the upload request endpoint.

Once the file has been uploaded, set the file_name, file_url, and file_type returned in the response to the upload request as the parameters for a new push with type=file.

Request push history


  • modified_after - Request pushes modified after this timestamp.

Update a push


  • dismissed - Set to true to mark the push as dismissed. All devices displaying this push should hide it from view.
  • items - Update the items of a list push. The format should be the same as the items property of the push object, e.g. [{'checked': true, 'text': 'Item One'}, {'checked': true, 'text': 'Item Two'}]

Deleting a push


  • push_iden - The iden of the push to delete.

Get the devices that can be pushed to


Create a new device


Any pushes sent to a stream device will cause tickle messages to appear on the websocket.

Update an existing device


Delete a device


  • device_iden - The iden of the device to delete.

Get your contacts


Create a contact


  • name - The name you want associated with the contact.
  • email - The email address of the contact.

Update a contact


  • name - The name you want associated with the contact.

Delete a contact


  • contact_iden - The iden of the contact to delete.

Subscribe to channels to receive any updates pushed to that channel.

Channels can be created on the website. Each channel has a unique tag to identify it. When you push to a channel, all people subscribed to that channel will receive a push.

To push to a channel, use the channel_tag parameter on /v2/pushes

Subscription Object

  • iden - Iden of the subscription.
  • created - Created timestamp.
  • modified - Modified timestamp.
  • active - True if the subscription has not been deleted.
  • channel - Properties of the channel that is being subscribed to.
    • iden - Iden of the channel.
    • tag - Unique tag for the channel.
    • name - Name of the channel.
    • description - Description of the channel.
    • website_url - Link to a website for the channel.
    • image_url - Image to use for the channel.

Subscribe to a channel


  • channel_tag - The tag of the channel you wish to subscribe to.

List subscriptions


Unsubscribe from a channel


  • iden - The iden of the subscription.

Get information about a channel


  • tag - The tag of the channel.

Get the current user


Update the current user


  • preferences - The user's preferences (a json object, overwrites existing object).


Connect to the stream

Stream Messages

All messages are JSON objects with a type key.


  • type=nop - Sent every 30 seconds confirming the connection is active.
  • type=tickle - Tells you something has changed on the server. The subtype property tells you what has changed.
    • subtype=push - A change to the /v2/pushes resources.
    • subtype=device - A change to the /v2/devices resources.
  • type=push - A new push. The push data is available in an object from the push key. This is only used for pushes that do not appear under /v2/pushes (such as mirrored notifications).

Push message types

A message with type=push will contain a data object mapped to by the key push. This object is documented here based on its internal type.

  • type=mirror - This push is a notification mirrored from an Android device.
  • type=dismissal - This push is a dismissal message from an Android device.

Reacting to tickles

When you receive a tickle message, it means that a resource of the type subtype has changed. This is your cue to update that resource. Here's an example for the pushes type:

On receiving this message:

Request the pushes that have changed since the last time we received them:

Then merge these updates into your local copy of the push history.

Note: It's best to use the most recently modified local push's modified timestamp when making requests for updates. This will keep the responses small and fast. Additionally, don't trust the local machine's current timestamp because it is inevitably different from the server's timestamp.

Request authorization to upload a file


  • file_name - The name of the file you want to upload.
  • file_type - The MIME type of the file.

Upload the file


Copy of all the parameters from the data object in the response to the upload request. In addition to that, the file should be uploaded as the parameter file. This request is more complicated than most of the other API requests and requires multipart/form-data encoding.

After the request completes, the file will be available at file_url from the upload request response.



OAuth lets you access a user's Pushbullet account or have them authenticate with their Pushbullet account using a browser.

OAuth is a standard authentication procedure used by most websites, here's how it works:

  1. You, the app developer, register your app (called an 'OAuth client') with Pushbullet
  2. Using a url you generate in your app (you can see an example one on the Create Client page) you send the user to the Pushbullet site. One of the parameters of the url is a redirect url that the user will be sent to when they are done authorizing your app.
  3. The user authorizes your application by clicking the 'Allow' button.
  4. The user is redirected to the redirect url you provided earlier, which is generally your site or your app.

Here's roughly how this looks with pictures:

Getting Started

To get started, create a client (register your application) on the Create Client page. For the examples on this page, the client looks like this:


Getting an Access Token

Once you've created a client, you can send a user to with the following parameters:

  • client_id - client_id from registering your client
  • redirect_uri - The url you want to redirect the user to after authorization is complete. The path portion must match what was provided for the client, the query string may be set dynamically.
  • response_type - Either 'code' (if you've got a server) or 'token' (if your app is entirely on the client)

NOTE: There's an example url ('oauth test url') on the Create Client page for your app.

When the user is sent to this page, they are able to authorize or deny your application. If they choose deny, they get redirected to the redirect_uri with the parameter 'error=access_denied'.

If they chose authorize, there are two possible next steps, depending on the value of response_type:

For Client-Side Apps: response_type=token

The user is redirected to the redirect_uri with a url fragment of 'access_token=<access_token>'. If you have a client side app running an embedded web browser, you can configure your redirect_uri to be '' and then use this redirect_uri in the authorize call.


For Apps with Servers: response_type=code

If you have a server you can use this response_type, it's potentially more secure than the client-side one, since the client never sees the actual access token. In this mode the user is redirected to the redirect_uri with a parameter 'code=<code>'.


Your server then peforms a request to with the following parameters:

  • grant_type - Set to 'authorization_code'
  • client_id - client_id from registering your client
  • client_secret - client_secret from registering your client
  • code - code from the redirect

You can add extra query params to the end of redirect_uri if you need to store extra state for the request. For instance, if you have your client's redirect_uri set to, then when you build the url to send the user to Pushbullet, you could specify redirect_uri= When the user finishes authorizing your app, they would end up at

Using Your Access Token

Now that you have an access token, you can access Pushbullet as that user. Just include the access_token with your requests as the username in HTTP Basic Auth or set the Authorization header to Bearer <access_token>. Make sure to keep the access_token in a safe place, it allows access to your users accounts!


The access_token does not have a set expiration time, but may be expired at some point in the future. If you delete your client, all existing tokens are invalidated.

Send arbitrary JSON messages, called 'ephemerals', to all devices on your account. Ephemerals are stored for a short period of time (if at all) and are sent directly to android and stream devices (iOS not supported yet). Because they are sent directly, there is no 'tickle' message like when creating or updating pushes or other objects, the JSON message appears directly in the stream.

Ephemerals are used by the Pushbullet apps for notification mirroring and universal copy/paste.

Unlike some of the other HTTP endpoints, POST parameters are not supported for ephemerals due to their JSON structure.

Send an ephemeral


  • type - Must be set to push which is the only type of ephemeral currently.
  • push - An arbitrary JSON object.

Ephemerals respond with an empty JSON object unless there is an error.

Mirrored Notifications

Mirrored notifications are notifications sent from android devices (currently the only source of mirrored notifications) to other devices. To test these out you can go into the android app's settings screen and hit the button 'Send a test notification' while listening to the stream.

Notification Ephemeral

  • type - push for mirrored notifications.
  • push - information about the notification
    • type - mirror for mirrored notifications.
    • icon - Base64-encoded JPEG image to use as the icon of the push.
    • title - The title of the notification.
    • body - The body of the notification.
    • source_user_iden - The user iden of the user sending this message.
    • source_device_iden - The iden of the device sending this message.
    • application_name - The name of the application that created the notification.
    • dismissable - True if the notification can be dismissed.
    • package_name - The package that made the notification, used when updating/dismissing an existing notification.
    • notification_id - The id of the notification, used when updating/dismissing an existing notification.
    • notification_tag - The tag of the notification, used when updating/dismissing an existing notification.
    • has_root - The phone is rooted.
    • client_version - The client version of the app sending this message.

Dismissal Ephemeral

  • type - push for notification dismissals.
  • push - information about the dismissal.
    • type - dismissal for notification dismissals.
    • package_name - Set to the package_name field from the mirrored notification.
    • notification_id - Set to the notification_id field from the mirrored notification.
    • notification_tag - Set to the notification_tag field from the mirrored notification.
    • source_user_iden - Set to the source_user_iden field from the mirrored notification.

Universal Copy/Paste

The Pushbullet apps (currently the Android and Windows apps) can monitor the clipboard and send out a message each time the user copies a new text selection, sending it to all the user's devices which can copy it to the clipboard or otherwise make it available to the user.

Copy a String to the Clipboard


  • type - push for clipboard messages.
  • push - information about the clipboard message.
    • type - clip for clipboard messages.
    • body - The text to copy to the clipboard.
    • source_user_iden - The iden of the user sending this message.
    • source_device_iden - The iden of the device sending this message.

Extensions enable your app to work better with Pushbullet.

Extension For Messaging Apps - Add quick-reply support from Pushbullet notifications on PC.

Pushbullet's messaging extension enables any messaging app on Android to offer quick-reply functionality from PC via desktop notifications shown by Pushbullet's notification mirroring service.

By integrating with Pushbullet, you make your app's desktop notifications actionable: when Pushbullet shows a notification from your app on PC, clicking on it will open a window enabling users to quickly reply to the message. This gives your app an incredibly convenient cross-platform experience.

Getting Started Is Easy

To get the Pushbullet extension set up your app:

  1. Add compile 'com.pushbullet:android-extensions:[email protected]' or the API jar to your Android project.

  2. Create a new service that extends the MessagingExtension class.

  3. Add the corresponding <service> tag to your AndroidManifest.xml file and add the required <intent-filter> and <meta-data> element.

Once you have your extension set up, you'll be able to mirror messages to PC and receive replies composed on PC.

Implementing Your Extension

The full guide is available here.

Sample Project

A working example is available here on Github.


Messages are only sent to PC if the user has notification mirroring enabled, protecting their privacy.

Everything is done over secure (https) connections ensuring user privacy.

The use of a conversation identifier means we don't need to know phone numbers for this to work.

Once you've got compile 'com.pushbullet:android-extensions:[email protected]' or the API jar included in your project, the first thing to do is create a new service that extends the MessagingExtension class.

After creating this new service, add the corresponding <service> tag to your AndroidManifest.xml file and add the required <intent-filter> and <meta-data> element like so:

Extending MessagingExtension

When you extend MessagingExtension, there are two methods you'll need to implement:

onMessageReceived(String conversationIden, String message)

onConversationDismissed(String conversationIden)


This method will be called when a new reply has been composed on PC and is being forwarded to your app for delivery.

The parameter conversationIden is the value you provided to Pushbullet identifying the contact/group/thread. In this case it tells you where the message should be sent. For an SMS app this may be the thread ID.

The parameter message is the reply the user entered.


This method is called when the notification for a conversation has been dismissed on the PC. You should use this to update or remove the notification shown on the user's phone by your app.

Implementing this correctly means updating your notification representing multiple active conversations (if your app groups conversations into one notification) without necessarily dismissing it.

The parameter conversationIden is described here.

Mirroring Conversations To PC

Once you've implemented (or stubbed out) your service extending MessagingExtension, you'll need to tell Pushbullet to mirror incoming messages to PC.

To do this, all you need to do is call the following static method on MessagingExtension when new messages are received:

mirrorMessage(Context context, String conversationIden, String sender, String message, Bitmap image, String notificationTag, int notificationId)

A context is used to confirm Pushbullet is installed and then to call startService, sending this data to Pushbullet for mirroring.

Use conversationIden to identify the contact/group/thread this message is associated with. This value will be returned to you with any reply messages.

The sender should be the name of the contact this message is from.

The message should be the text of the message.

Include the contact's picture as image.

The notificationTag and notificationId should be the tag and id of the notification provided to Android's NotificationManager for the notification for this conversation. Multiple conversations can have the same tag and id if you group conversations into one notification. See this and this. (Use null for notificationTag if you don't specify one when calling notify.)

Note: providing the correct notificationTag and notificationId is important to your extension functioning properly. If these value are incorrect, the notifications will not be synced correctly.

Pushbullet URL Handler


The iPhone app has a url handler, pushbullet:// that can be used to compose pushes like so:

compose is the only option right now, but a few push types can be constructed (make sure to urlencode any parameters):

Only type=notetype=link and type=address are supported for now (and their parameters are the same as the /v2/pushes HTTP endpoint), other types and actions will be added in the future.

Open in Pushbullet

If you use a UIDocumentInteractionController to preview a file, when the user selects 'Open In...' for most file types, Pushbullet should show up in the list of applications.

If the user selects the Pushbullet app, the app should open with a new compose window for a type=file push with the provided file attached.



Let us know what you think at [email protected]

February 12, 2015

  • Added information about resizing images

February 11, 2015

  • Changed docs to single-page layout

September 29, 2014

  • Added subscriptions
  • Added channel_iden and client_iden to the push object
  • Added description of deleted objects

September 24, 2014

  • Added source_device_iden to the push object
  • Added documentation for using list pushes to /v2/pushes and changed curl examples to use JSON

August 11, 2014

  • Removed android_version and android_sdk_version from device object
  • Made error objects more consistent

July 21, 2014

  • Added limit parameter to paginated results

Download Pushbullet For Windows 10

July 9, 2014

  • Removed google_userinfo and google_id from user object
  • Added image_url and name to user object
  • Removed android_install_identifier and android_token from device object
  • Added Update preferences for user

July 1, 2014

  • Added Update dismissed field for pushes
  • Added Create a contact

How To Install Push Bullet

June 28, 2014

June 19, 2014

Jellyfin has a collection of optional plugins that can be installed to provide additional features. To create a plugin, see the plugin template repository.



Many plugins are available in a repository hosted on our servers, which can be easily installed using the plugin catalog in the settings. At the moment many of these are still being updated frequently so the version number may not be accurate. There are several different categories that can indicate what kind of functionality the plugins may provide.

Note to Windows Users:Due to currently unresolved permission issues on Jellyfin Windows installs it is not possible to update and/or uninstall plugins from the UI.To update and/or uninstall plugins you must stop Jellyfin, navigate to the local plugins folder and delete the .dll files for the plugins you want to update and/or uninstall.The plugins folder is located in different locations depending on your install:

  • %UserProfile%AppDataLocaljellyfinplugins for direct installs
  • %ProgramData%JellyfinServerplugins for tray installs

After that start Jellyfin back up, and reinstall each plugin you want to update using the above method from the catalog.Plugin settings should be retained if you do not delete the .xml files from the <direct or tray path>pluginsconfigurations folder.

Authentication: Add new authentication providers, such as LDAP.

Channels: Allow streaming remote audio or video content.

General: Plugins that serve general purposes, such as sync with, or Kodi.

Live TV: Plugins that help with connecting to tuners, such as NextPVR, or TVHeadend.

Metadata: Scrape metadata from a new source or modify existing metadata.

Notifications: Allow notifications to connect to many different services, including Gotify and Slack.


All plugins hosted on the repository can be built from source and manually added to your server as well. They just need to be placed in the plugin directory, which is something like var/lib/jellyfin/plugins on most Linux distributions. Once the server is restarted any additions should automatically show up in your list of installed plugins. If you can't see the new plugin there may be a file permission issue.


Official Plugins


Manage your Anime in Jellyfin. Supports several different metadata providers and options for organizing your collection.


Auto Organize

Automatically organizes your media by monitoring a folder and moving or copying new media files into your library folder.



Supports several different metadata providers and options for organizing your collection.


Email Notifications

Send SMTP email notifications.



Scrape poster images for movies, shows, and artists in your library from



Allows you to add IPTV feeds to Jellyfin.


Kodi Sync Queue

Helps keep Jellyfin for Kodi in sync with the library without needing to run periodic full scans.


LDAP Authentication

Authenticate your Jellyfin users against an LDAP database, and optionally create users who do not yet exist automatically. Allows the administrator to customize most aspects of the LDAP authentication process, including customizable search attributes, username attribute, and a search filter for administrative users (set on user creation). The user, via the 'Manual Login' process, can enter any valid attribute value, which will be mapped back to the specified username attribute automatically as well.



Provides access to Live TV, Program Guide, and Recordings from NextPVR.


Open Subtitles

Download subtitles from the internet to use with your media files from Open Subtitles. You can configure the languages it downloads on a per-library basis.


Playback Reporting

Collect and show user playback statistics, such as total time watched, media watched, time of day watched and time of week watched. Can keep information for as long as you want, or can cull older information automatically. Also allows you to manually query the data collected so you can generate your own reports.



Get notifications via Pushbullet.



Generate reports of your media library.



Provides access to LiveTV, Program Guide and Recordings from your Windows MediaCenter Server running ServerWMC.Requires ServerWMC to be installed and running on your Windows MediaCenter machine.


Slack Notifications

Get notifications via Slack.


TMDb Box Sets

Automatically create movie box sets based on TMDb collections. Configerable minimum number of films to be considered a boxset. Boxsets are created as collections, and includes a schedueld task to ensure that new media is automatically put into boxsets.



Record your watched media with Trakt.



Manage TVHeadEnd from Jellyfin.


3rd-Party Plugins


Takes your tuners in TVHeadEnd and emulates a HDHomeRun, in order to connect to Jellyfin's Live TV and DVR features. It requires additional setup and configuration, but is a useful alternative to the TVHeadEnd plugin.


Merge Versions

Automatically group every repeated movie.


Skin Manager

Download and manage the most popular skins.



Download flashy intros from for your movies.


YouTube Metadata

Downloads metadata of YouTube videos with a YouTube API key.



Enables audio scrobbling to Last.FM as well as a metadata fetcher source.



Adds support for VGMdb to music libraries. Can provide both images and metadata for artists and albums.



Official Jellyfin Plugin Repositories

Default Repository

  • Manifest

3rd-Party Plugin Repositories

crobibero's Repo

  • Manifest
  • Included Plugins

dkanada's Repo

  • Manifest
  • Included Plugins

danieladov's Repo

Pushbullet Download Pc Version

  • Manifest
  • Included Plugins