Ancient Greek Gods And Lore Revisited Pdf

Athena Poseidon Hermes Ares Zeus Aphrodite Hera Artemis Hades Apollo Hephaestus Hestia Welcome to our Greek Gods and Goddesses page here on History for Kids. We have some fun facts and pictures for you to color. You will learn some interesting facts about each God as you read down the page. Take your time there Continue reading 'Greek Gods'. Greek Mythology Links: The Encyclopedia Mythica This is an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, magic, and more. It contains over 4300 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world. Greek Mythology: Sources; Greek Mythology: The Olympians. In ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important part of everyday life.

Metaphor as Lexis: Ricoeur on Derrida on Aristotle


Both Derrida and Ricœur address philosophy’s relation to metaphor, and both take Aristotle as their starting points. However, though Ricœur’s The Rule of Metaphor is largely a response to Derrida’s “White Mythology,” Ricœur seems to pass right over Derrida’s critically important interpretation of Aristotle. In this essay, I dispel concerns that Ricœur may have been intellectually irresponsible in his engagement with Derrida on this point, and I demonstrate how Study 1 makes better sense as a detailed response to Derrida.

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Jacques Derrida, “La Mythologie Blanche,” Marges de la Philosophie (Paris: Les éditions de minuit, 1972).

Jacques Derrida, “White Mythology,” Margins of Philosophy, trans. Alan Bass (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1972).

Jean-Claude Monod, “La mise en question contemporaine du paradigme aristotélicien — et ses limites,” Archives de Philosophie 70.4 (2007): 535-558.

Bernard Harrison, “‘White Mythology’ Revisited: Derrida and His Critics on Reason and Rhetoric,” Critical Inquiry 25.3 (1999).

Rodolphe Gasché, “On ‘Tropic’ Movements and Syntactic Resistance in Derrida’s White Mythology, International Yearbook for Hermeneutics 13 (2014).

Leonard Lawlor, “Dialectic and Iterability: The Confrontation between Paul Ricoeur and Jacques Derrida,” Philosophy Today 32.3 (1988).

Leonard Lawlor, “A Little Daylight: A reading of Derrida’s ‘White Mythology,’” Man and World 24 (1991).

Paul Ricoeur, The Rule of Metaphor: Multi-Disciplinary Studies of the Creation of Meaning in Language, trans. Robert Czerny (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979).

Stephen Halliwell, The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and Modern Problems (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2002), 374-376.

Copyright (c) 2020 Sean Donovan Driscoll

Ancient Greek Gods And Lore Revisited Pdf

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This journal is published by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh as part of its D-Scribe Digital Publishing Program and is cosponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Press.