Zemax Optical Design Software Free Download

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OpTaliX offers comprehensive import and export routines to convert lens prescriptions from other optical design programs such as Code V, Oslo, ZEMAX, ASAP, Atmos, Modas Accos, Sigma2000 and WinLens. Conversion can be done in both ways, that is, from other programs (import) or to other programs (export). At present, WinLens files can only be imported.

Download OpenRayTrace for free. OpenRayTrace is an optical lens design software that performs ray tracing. It is built using python, wxPython, and PyOpenGL.

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The import/export capabilities of OpTaliX are comprehensive in a way that also advanced features like decenters, tilts, gradients, gratings, special apertures, etc are recognized and converted.

Zemax Optical Design software, free download Windows 7

Note, however, that it is virtually impossible to convert ALL features offered by various optical design programs. Not only that features are implemented in a completely different manner because program philosophies are vastly divergent, the major problem is lack of documetation about the formats how design data are stored. To the extreme, some vendors are trying to obscure format details to the maximum possible extent. Quite often the only rescue out of this problem is by 'reverse engineering'. This is a tedious process. Another problem is that file formats are often changed without prior notice, for example if new features are added. This may lead to the situation that a feature that could be previously converted without problems now eventually leads to inappropriate conversion results. Despite all of these difficulties, OpTaliX attempts to recognize a maximum amount of commands and features stored in external lens design files.
Imported files can be viewed, analyzed and modified in all versions of OpTaliX, including OpTaliX-LT. Go to the download page to obtain your copy of OpTaliX-LT (30 days free, after this period registration is required).
OpTaliX-LT converts the following prescription items to/from Code V, Zemax, Oslo, Atmos, Modas, WinLens, Accos and Sigma PC/2000 :
Legend: = fully converted
NA = not applicable. This feature is not offered by the designated program.
blank cells denote features, which are not converted yet, but are on the wish list.

Zemax Optical Design software, free download

Zemax Free

ACCOS and Sigma2000 are outdated and are no longer commercially available. Therefore, only import facilities will be provided for these programs. This allows you to convert old ACCOS and SIGMA-files to more recent optical design packages. Since the WinLens file format has undergone numerous modifications in the past, export to WinLens will only be offered when there is a stable format and a demand for it.
imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp. imp. exp.
System Definition:
System Aperture (F-number, num. aperture, ...)6666
Fields (angle, object / image height)7777
Wavelength weightNANANANA
Reference wavelengthNANANANANANA
System notes11
Asphere + Toric8888
Tilt orderNANANANA
Pickups (thickness, curv., glass, aperture)NANANANANANA
Holograms (2-point)NANANANANANA
Glass catalogue names
Surface Apertures:
multiple aperturesNANANANANANA
aperture decenterNANANANANANA
Gradient Index:
mixed gradientNANANANANANA
Telecentric beams4NANANANANANA
Special Aperture PickupsNANANANANANA
Zoom / MulticonfigurationNANANANA10

Zemax optical design software, free download windows 7Notes:Zemax optical design software, free download windows 7

Zemax Optical Design software, free download. software

1 Only the lens system title is converted (TIT command).
2 Since ZEMAX does not offer an 'afocal' mode, an ideal lens is added to the exported system. On import, the ideal lens is recognized and maintained.
3 Z-decenter are not supported by ZEMAX. A dummy surface is inserted to simulate Z-decenter.
4 Two additional surfaces are added on export to ZEMAX to approximate telecentric beams.
5 An additional 'coordinate break' surface is added on export to ZEMAX to exactly model tilted surfaces.
6 ATMOS and MODAS only recognize entrance pupil diameter, as defined by the first surface.
7 ATMOS and MODAS only support a maximum field angle in object space.
8 Toric surfaces are not supported by ATMOS and MODAS.
9 WinLens accepts only 5 wavelengths.
10 WinLens accepts only 4 zoom positions.